1 International Dance Theatres Festival in Lublin - 13-16 November 1997

16.11.1997 _ Sunday

18:30 _ Lublin Culture Center
Contemporary Dance Group of Lublin University of Technology _ Puste ulice _ Poland
18:30 _ Lublin Culture Center
Contemporary Dance Group of Lublin University of Technology _ Wspomnienie _ Poland
18:30 _ Lublin Culture Center
Contemporary Dance Group of Lublin University of Technology _ W tej anizotropii po prostu byliśmy _ Poland
18:30 _ Lublin Culture Center
Contemporary Dance Group of Lublin University of Technology _ Będzie, nie będzie _ Poland

15.11.1997 _ Saturday

18:30 _ Lublin Culture Center
Silesian Dance Theatre _ Znalezione w teczce – Gua-va _ Poland
18:30 _ Lublin Culture Center
Silesian Dance Theatre _ Melodia do wicia rózgi _ Poland
20:00 _ Lublin Culture Center
Tanztheatre Schauspile Leipzig Irina Paulus _ Come.Quick.Danger (Przyjdź.Szybko.Niebezpieczeństwo) _ Germany

14.11.1997 _ Friday

18:30 _ Lublin Culture Center
Contemporary Dance Theatre Alter _ Poniżej nieba, czyli seks po polsku _ Poland
18:30 _ Lublin Culture Center
Contemporary Dance Theatre Alter _ List _ Poland
18:30 _ Lublin Culture Center
Contemporary Dance Theatre Alter _ Kobiety _ Poland
20:00 _ Lublin Culture Center
Dancing People Company _ Gile/Get/Take (Daj/Dostań/Weź) _ USA
20:00 _ Lublin Culture Center
Dancing People Company _ Orbits (Orbity) _ USA
20:00 _ Lublin Culture Center
Dancing People Company _ Waiting, Not Having (Chcieć, a mieć) _ USA
20:00 _ Lublin Culture Center

13.11.1997 _ Thursday

Lublin Culture Center
Dada Von Bzdülöw _ Nie było, nie będzie, czyli nie ma _ Poland
20:00 _ Lublin Culture Center
B.B Performing Company _ The TreeWithin Me (Drzewo we mnie) _ Slovakia